1. Refund Eligibility

1.1. Greeny.in, operated by eSmart Vehicles Pvt Ltd, offers refunds based on certain conditions. Refund eligibility varies depending on the type of service or product.

1.2. Users are encouraged to review the specific terms and conditions related to the service or product for which they seek a refund.

2. Job Posting Services

2.1. For employers who purchase job posting services on Greeny.in, refunds may be provided under the following circumstances:

  • Technical Errors: If technical issues prevent the proper display of a job posting, a refund may be issued.
  • Service Issues: Refunds may be considered for job postings that do not meet the specified service standards.

3. Resume Access Services

3.1. For employers who purchase resume access services on Greeny.in, refunds may be provided under the following circumstances:

  • Technical Errors: If technical issues prevent the proper access to resumes, a refund may be issued.
  • Service Issues: Refunds may be considered for resume access services that do not meet the specified service standards.

4. General Conditions

4.1. To request a refund, users must contact Greeny.in's customer support within [number] days of the purchase.

4.2. Refunds are processed using the original method of payment.

4.3. Refunds are subject to review and approval by eSmart Vehicles Pvt Ltd.

5. Non-Refundable Items

5.1. Certain services or products offered on Greeny.in may be non-refundable. These will be clearly communicated during the purchase process.

6. Contact Information

6.1. For refund inquiries or to request a refund, please contact our customer support at Support {at} greeny.in.

Last updated: 31-01-2024